Mother Shares Warning After Finding Daughter Unconscious In Her Bedroom
After Jennifer Abma found her young daughter suffering from heatstroke in her own bedroom, she took to social media to share her terrifying story. She typed out a Facebook post and shared a photo of...
View ArticleWoman Shares Warning After Getting Dangerous Infection From Common Hair Product
A Kentucky woman developed a life-threatening infection on her wrist after using a common hair product. Audrey Kopp was moving into her new home when she first noticed a bump on her wrist. When it...
View Article5 Abusive Behaviors That Are Not Physical But Incredibly Dangerous
Abuse doesn’t always leave you covered in physical bruises. There are many different forms of abuse that can leave you with emotional scars. Emotional and psychological abuse can cause a person to lose...
View ArticleWoman Left Almost Bald After Attempting DIY Beauty Treatment
A 29-year-old woman was left nearly bald after using high-strength powder bleach to lighten her dark brown hair. Kristy Weston wanted to dye her hair in different pastel shades, as part of the unicorn...
View ArticleScientists Reveal The Most Germ Infested Item In Your Home & It’s Not In The...
If you’ve ever had an icky feeling about your kitchen sponge, you had good reason to. It turns out that cleaning your sponge doesn’t significantly reduce the amount bacteria it contains. In fact, in...
View ArticleFire Department Shares Warning About Common Phone Charging Habit
You might not think that something as simple as charging your phone could be dangerous. But according to the Newton, New Hampshire Fire Department, something can go seriously wrong if you don’t charge...
View Article9 Common Plants That Are Highly Toxic
Whether or not you’re an outdoorsy type of person, learning about the plants around you can prove extremely important. Whether you’re hiking, camping, having a picnic or playing in the yard with your...
View Article6 Common Signs Of A Back Injury Most People Miss
We’d all like to think we’re invincible when it comes to getting hurt. While you may have been a little daredevil as a child, your body loses some of its flexibility as you get older, and you’re more...
View ArticlePower Company Shares Warning After Car Seat Catches Fire
For most of us, our cars tend to gather a little clutter from time to time. Wrappers, papers, extra clothes, half-empty water bottles… things seem to pile up and before you know it, your car is in...
View ArticleAmazon Refunds Certain Eclipse Glasses Brands Due To Safety Concerns
With all the buzz surrounding the August 21st solar eclipse, Amazon customers have been purchasing solar eclipse glasses in anticipation. In order to safely view the eclipse, you need a special pair of...
View Article7-Year-Old Girl Suffers Chemical Burns From Popular Beauty Treatment
A seven-year-old girl recently experienced chemical burns after getting a black henna tattoo while her family was on vacation in Egypt. Madison Gulliver asked her father if she could get a temporary...
View ArticleMan Suffers Permanent Damage From 1963 Eclipse. Shares Warning With The World!
If you plan on viewing the August 21st solar eclipse, you better have your certified eclipse viewing glasses ready. Experts have been warning the public for the past few weeks just how dangerous it is...
View Article6 Things You Should Not Do During Solar Eclipse Totality Tomorrow!
August 21st is fast approaching, and millions of people are getting ready for the show. On Monday afternoon, the moon will cover the sun in the nation’s first solar eclipse in nearly a century. People...
View Article5 Minutes Of E-Cigarette Use Significantly Increases Your Risk Of Deadly Disease
E-cigarettes are often marketed as a healthier alternative to smoking cigarettes, which is why many people pick up the new habit in order to help them stop smoking. While ditching actual cigarettes is...
View ArticleScientists Reverse Deadly Allergy Symptoms In Landmark Study
Researchers from the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute in Australia may have found a solution to a common problem: the peanut allergy. According to Food Allergy Research and Education, the peanut...
View ArticlePopular Imported Meat Product Linked To Hepatitis E Outbreak
After recent spikes in hepatitis E in the UK, Public Health England, a government agency that focuses on the medical well-being of the public, decided to look into the outbreak. Researchers found that...
View Article8 Signs That Help You Spot Hidden Psychopaths
A psychopath can be almost impossible to spot. They often appear incredibly charismatic on the outside, because they are masters of manipulation. They put on a show for the people around them in order...
View Article8 Ways To Keep Your Child Safe Without Being A Helicopter Parent
Your gut instinct as a parent might be to constantly hover over your child in order to protect them from anything bad that could potentially happen. But being a “helicopter parent” does little to...
View ArticleJohnson & Johnson Ordered To Pay $417 Million In Lawsuit Linking Popular...
On Monday, Johnson & Johnson was ordered by a Los Angeles jury to pay $417 million to a woman who brought a lawsuit against the company. The woman claims that the company’s popular baby powder...
View Article10 Ingredients Found In Toothpaste Linked To Thyroid Disorder, Kidney Damage...
Have you ever thought about the ingredients in your toothpaste? If not, now is a good time to start. The toothpaste you are using might be full of dangerous chemicals that can wreak havoc on your...
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