A father from Tulsa, Oklahoma found something shocking on his ex-wife’s phone when he borrowed it to make a call. He was picking up his one-year-old daughter from his ex-wife Jerrica Lackey when he asked to use her cell phone. He noticed a disturbing app installed on her phone and he quickly reported her to the police.
Mother Arrested For Sexually Abusing One-Year-Old Daughter
Jerrica had installed an app called “Kik” on her cell phone. The app has been associated with the exploitation of children. When her ex-husband opened the app on her phone, he was deeply disturbed by what he saw. Jerrica had been sending nude photos and videos of their one-year-old daughter to her boyfriend in Florida. The photos and videos showed that Jerrica had been sexually abusing the baby.
Jerrica, 29, was charged with five counts of sexual abuse of a child younger than 12. She was arrested and is being held in the Tulsa County Jail. Tulsa County Sheriff’s Office Public Information Officer Casey Roebuck said, “I know initially when we got the call we’re like that can’t be. I mean that’s hard to even comprehend that a mother would do something like that to a child.”
According to Roebuck, Jerrica and her boyfriend “had been face timeing and over the course of this relationship he asks her to send pictures and videos of this baby of acts being performed.” The most recent video was sent the day that the father discovered the disturbing photos and video footage.
Jerrica’s neighbor, Tymprance Melton, witnessed her arrest. She said, “We see her all the time outside with the babies, interacting with them, and she just didn’t seem like she would ever do that… There’s babies here. Babies all around the neighborhood.”
The FBI is assisting with the investigation because the photos crossed state lines. The police found additional phones and iPads in Jerrica’s home that are being investigated.
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