First dates are hard enough. Add in dating apps and websites, and more people than ever before are meeting up with strangers they’ve met online. While many swear by dating websites as the best way to meet their perfect match, there’s still a large amount of uncertainty in it. Most people are a little nervous when they’re getting ready for a date. That nervous factor is most likely escalated if they’ve never actually met the person they’re meeting up with. So how can we keep women safe from a potentially dangerous situation? Enter the angel shot.
The Angel Shot
Signs have recently started popping up in women’s restrooms at bars and restaurants, instructing women to order an “angel shot” if they believe they might be in danger.
The posters read: “Are you on a date that isn’t going well? Is your Tinder or Plenty of Fish date not who they said they were on their profile? Do you feel unsafe, or even just a bit weird? We’re here to help. Just go to the bar and order an Angel Shot.”
The signs continue with specific instructions on how to order the shot.
“Neat: your bartender will escort you to your vehicle.
With Ice: Your bartender will call an Uber or Lyft for you.
With Lime: Your bartender will call the police.”
The bottom of the poster assures women that the bartenders are there to help. It reads, “We’ll handle things discretely, and without a lot of fuss (we’ve been there, and we want you to know that you’re in good hands.”
The truth is, many of us have been in this situation. If you’ve ever tried online dating, you’ve been set up by a friend, or even if you’ve gone out with someone you knew, but not very well. It’s important to trust your instincts. If your date is not who they said they were, if they’re making you uncomfortable, or if you just have the feeling that something is off, pay attention to your gut feeling. Ignoring that little voice in the back of your head that’s telling you something isn’t quite right, can leave you in a dangerous situation.
Campaign For Women’s Safety
This campaign isn’t the first of its kind. The idea began in Lincolnshire, UK. The idea was to ask for a friend named Angela at the bar, to get a safe escort out. Offering women different ways to order the Angel shot allows them to choose how they want to handle the situation. If they feeling uncomfortable, they may just want a safe escort to their car. If they feel like they’re in a dangerous situation, getting the police involved may be necessary.
A woman’s bad date may even be her own partner. The Angel shot can help if a boyfriend or husband gets violent. Whatever the situation may be, a woman can now feel empowered to order an Angel shot, and get away from the person endangering her.
Watch the video below for more information!
The post This Is Why Women Are Ordering Angel Shots At Bars appeared first on David Avocado Wolfe.